Friday, February 22, 2013

Slaughtered (2010)

Slaughtered is a fairly decent Australian made horror film which despite its low budget of only 100.000 Dollars doesn't feel too amateuristic on the visual, audio and acting part. Of course the acting isn't great but it isn't much worse than in any slasher for that matter. 

A masked killer hides in a pub in the middle of nowhere. Soon he starts killing off al the people inside the pub. The visitors and crew must find a way to stop this maniac.

The build-up takes a bit to long. For about half an hour we have to listen to some guys who run a pub. Luckily after 30 minutes the killer shows up to have some fun. His creepy looks make him an entertaining figure pretty quick and his scene's are pretty tensive. It's a shame his weapon (some kind of hacksaw) doesn't look really convincing as near the end of the film the thing has been used so much that it's completely bent and is just dangling on the handle. The plastic toy does create some bloody scene's though. The kills are pretty brutal with lots of blood although unfortunately not a lot of ''real'' gore (apart from one scene where the killer forces a girl to swallow glass, pretty impresive). 

The real bummer about Slaughtered is the complete absence of any logic. Normally that's not a thing I would complain about in a slasher film (especially one with a low budget) but in Slaughtered it's just too annoying. For example: After a while nearly everybody in the pub is aware that there is a killer inside because either they have seen him or they have seen the victims. And what do you do when there's a killer inside..!? That's right! You just tap some more beer and go on with entertaining your customers. Now I don't mind if a film has a simple plot or something like that but this was just dumb as hell. When you just saw you friend bleed to death I don't expect you to go on with your usual stuff. Epecially not when she was killed by a dude in the same pub as where you are right now. Another example.... There is a scene where a 17 year old guy wants to get some smokes. He isn't allowed though due to his age. Than he finds a killed body. Instead of mentioning it to someone he tries to steal the dead guy's ID so that he can buy the smokes. 

Slaughtered isn't a complete failure. It has some strong tensive scene's and there is enough blood. Unfortunately the lack of any logic is realy blocking a higher star-rate.

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